About this Playbook

# This Playbook

This Playbook is our reference for who we are and the way we do things at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA). The information is a collective effort from the User Research team and documents the current “right way” to do things.

Whether you work for the NHSBSA, a delivery partner working alongside us, or a comissioner of services, this Playbook is for you.

Our values are the bedrock of our work and by sharing them and our ways of working, we hope to help you understand us and how we can work together.

We continually update the guides in our Playbook because we’re always exploring how to improve our practice.

# Updating the Playbook

This Playbook is a collaborative effort. Anyone at NHSBSA can and should edit it. So if you spot something that’s wrong, feel free to hop in and correct it.
But remember that this Playbook is the result of our conversations about how we should do things, not a substitute for one. So don’t make changes unless they reflect our shared agreement about how things are going to be done.

This document is also public, because there is very little about our process that cannot be open. But there will be some things that should be private. So don’t forget that changes here get published to the world.

To update the Playbook, follow the guide to Contributing to the Playbook and use NHS Tone of voice.