
About this Playbook

Why we've written this and why its useful

Propose a content change using GitHub

How to propose changes to this document

Contributor Code of Conduct

Our expectations of contributing to this community

How we conduct user research

How to guide about researching at the NHSBSA

Project Weeknotes

How to use weeknotes to document the project or your own progress.

Hack library

tips and tricks & things you may need to know

Observing, shadowing and buddying with other UR's

If you want to observe another UR's research, shadow someone, or buddy with them - here's how to go about it

Storing outputs from user research

how and where you should keep outputs from your research

User Researchers Toolkit

Tools and methods to get the most out of your research

What is Matrix management all about?

How the NHSBSA structure works within delivery.

Data retention for User Research

the policies/procedures on data retention for UR in NHSBSA

Measuring Digital Inclusion

How and why we measure digital inclusion as part of research at NHSBSA

Research Ethics

How to we conduct ethical research and ensure safeguarding for research participants and researchers

Being a UR in the NHSBSA

Useful hints and tips to make life in digital easier